3 Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts in Business

“A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.” (Proverbs 18:16)
That’s right. I used “spiritual gifts” and “business” in the same title.
Over the past few decades, spiritual gifts assessments have become excellent tools for local church leaders to mobilize and assign volunteers to serve in their various church programs. Those who score high in “hospitality” are often posted as greeters at the front door of the church on Sunday morning. Those who score high in the gift of “helps” are often asked to help with setup, cleanup, etc.
Certainly, we should offer our spiritual gifts in a way that helps our churches have outstanding services and excellent programs. I believe this is an essential part of transforming our communities.
Though, in addition to serving in a local church setting on a regular basis, as Christian businesspeople, shouldn’t we be using our spiritual gifts primarily in a business setting? Of course.
Here are three ways to use your spiritual gifts in a business setting:
1 – Identify your spiritual gifts.
Through His Holy Spirit, God has graciously given spiritual gifts to every born-again Christian for accomplishing the purpose of the Church. What is that purpose? To “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19).
In other words, our spiritual gifts have been given by God to help the people influenced by our businesses to become more like Jesus Christ. That includes customers, clients, vendors, co-workers, bosses, board members, shareholders, and anyone else that comes in contact with us in the marketplace. The degree to which we are fulfilling this mandate is the true “bottom line” for every Christian in business.
In what ways are you uniquely gifted to do your part in this collective mission of the Church? Here’s another way to ask this question: What are your spiritual gifts? Leadership? Administration? Prophecy? Craftsmanship? Wisdom? There are many more.
(Note: To help you to discover your spiritual gifts and how they can operate in a business setting, I am developing a spiritual gifts assessment tailored specifically for Christian business people. If you would like to take an early version of this assessment when it becomes available, let me know.)
2 – Identify who needs your spiritual gifts.
Those in need of guidance in business need Christians with the gifts of knowledge, discernment, wisdom, prophecy, and leadership.
Those who lack creativity need Christians with the gift of craftsmanship.
Those hungry to learn need Christians that have the gift of teaching.
One of my spiritual gifts is “teaching.” I have taught in a local church setting many times, but I have found that my potential for ministry impact in a business setting is significantly greater than it is in my local church setting. Why? Like most of us, I spend only a few hours in a local church setting each week. Along with approximately 90% of the U.S. working population, I spend my entire work week in a for-profit business setting.
How do I use my spiritual gift of teaching to “make disciples of all nations” in business?
I wrote a book titled, Marketing Like Jesus, to teach marketers how to do marketing like Jesus, the most effective influencer in history.
In addition to the book, the Marketing Like Jesus podcast is helping to “make disciples of all nations,” having been downloaded 10,000 times across 56 countries.
I also started a publishing company in which I constantly teach my clients how to spread their ideas for the glory of God.
Which types of people need your spiritual gift?
3 – Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to use your spiritual gifts in business each day.
As Christians, we have access to the Holy Spirit’s supernatural power. This power is demonstrated through our spiritual gifts—even in a business setting! Among many other advantages, the Holy Spirit’s power…
- Enables our spiritual gifts to produce eternal results and rewards
- Helps us to know how to use our spiritual gifts most effectively
- Gives us the confidence to experiment with our gifts in a way that far exceeds our natural abilities
- Uses love for God and others to motivate us to use our spiritual gifts
As the Apostle Paul wrote, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it” (Colossians 4:17).