A Mission Trip … to Your Workplace (Interview w/ Mike Henry Sr.)

On this episode, Mike Henry Sr. shares an opportunity to experience a six-week mission trip with other marketplace Christians … to your own workplace! He teaches this proven model in his new book, Marketplace Mission Trip.
Mike Henry Sr. is the CEO and Lead Instigator of Follower of One, an organization dedicated to helping every marketplace Christ-follower experience the joy of working with Jesus.
Prior to founding Follower of One, Mike served as vice president for a nationwide technology service provider.
And he’s the author of the brand-new book, Marketplace Mission Trip: A Six-Week Mission Trip to Your Workplace.
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Theology of Business is the show for marketplace Christians seeking to explore and apply God’s will for business. If you want to learn more about how to do business for the glory of God and shape culture through discipling the business world, this show is for you. | Entrepreneurship | Marketing | Nonprofit | Church | Author | Startups | Marketplace | Ministry | Business as Mission | Faith and Work | Faith | Success | Leadership | www.TheologyofBusiness.com