A Pastor Built a Granola Company (Interview w/ Mark Plaza)

On this episode, Mark Plaza shares how he started building his successful granola company while pastoring a church so he could understand and relate to his congregation more effectively as a fellow marketplace Christian.
Mark Plaza is the founder of Olde Man Granola, which began in 2008 and now has their granola sold in several large grocery retail chains such as Whole Foods and Safeway. He has served in pastoral ministry for about 20 years and has been a missionary in the Congo and Honduras. He’s currently the pastor of a church in Jefferson City, Missouri while simultaneously serving as Director of Strategy and Development for Olde Man Granola.
He holds a Doctorate in Ministry from Golden Gate Seminary and teaches a course called “Bible and Business” for Colorado Christian University.
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Theology of Business is the show for marketplace Christians seeking to explore and apply God’s will for business. If you want to learn more about how to do business for the glory of God and shape culture through discipling the business world, this show is for you.
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