25 Powerful Quotes about God in Business

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…”
~ Colossians 3:23
“In the Lord, your labor is not in vain.”
~ 1 Corinthians 15:58
“I believe one of the next great moves of God is going to be through the believers in the workplace.”
~ Dr. Billy Graham
“In today’s global community, the greatest channel of distribution for ‘salt and light’ is the business community… the marketplace.”
~ C. William Pollard, Chairman of ServiceMaster and author of The Soul of the Firm
“Societal transformation is high on God’s agenda and the chief catalytic force to bring it about will be Christians ministering in the marketplace.”
~ C. Peter Wagner, author of The Church in the Workplace
“Workplace ministry will be one of the core future innovations in church ministry.”
~ George Barna, author of Revolution
“To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.”
~ Corporate Mission Statement of Chick-fil-A
“The church in the workplace is the purest form of the body of Christ today due to its diversity. Workplace believers are less prone to denominational differences because they have a common goal of representing Christ in their workplaces. The movement will break down denominational barriers that have been held in the past.”
~ Os Hillman, author of The 9 to 5 Window
“The most common self-inflicted put-down is ‘I am not a pastor—I am just a layperson.’ This is all part of a clever satanic scheme to neutralize apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers along with the entire army of disciples, already positioned in the marketplace.”
~ Ed Silvoso, author of Anointed for Business
“54% of Jesus’ reported teaching ministry arose out of issues posed by others” in the scope of daily life experience.”
~ Lewis and Lewis, LICC
“Spirituality in the workplace is exploding.”
~ Laura Nash, Business Ethicist at Harvard University and author of Church on Sunday, Work on Monday
“God is marshalling his people in the workplace as never before in history. God is up to something. The next spiritual awakening could take place in the marketplace.”
~ Henry Blackaby, author of Spiritual Leadership
“If Christ is not Lord of my work, He will never be Lord of my family.”
~ Doug Sherman, author of Your Work Matters to God
“We are convinced that England will never be converted until the laity use the opportunities daily afforded by their various professions, crafts and occupations.”
~ Towards the Conversion of England, 1945
“Much of our culture has a distinctly Greek view of work: We work out of necessity. But, you see, we are made in the image of God, and as such we are made to work—to create, to shape, to bring order out of disorder.”
~ Chuck Colson, founder of BreakPoint
“It is an error to think that those who flee worldly affairs and engage in contemplation are leading an angelic life…We know that men were created to busy themselves with labor and that no sacrifice is more pleasing to God than when each one attends to his calling and studies well to live for the common good.”
~ John Calvin
“What is the Christian understanding of work?… [It] is that work is not, primarily, a thing one does to live, but the thing one lives to do. It is, or it should be, the full expression of the worker’s faculties… the medium in which he offers himself to God.”
~ Dorothy L. Sayers, author of Why Work?
“Someone recently said that the “First” Reformation took the Word of God to the common man and woman; the “Second” Reformation is taking the work of God to the common man and woman. That time is now. The greatest potential ministry in the world today is the marketplace. Christ’s greatest labor force is those men and women already in that environment.”
~ Tom Phillips, VP of Training, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
“There is truly is no division between sacred and secular except what we have created. And that is why the division of the legitimate roles and functions of human life into the sacred and secular does incalculable damage to our individual lives and the cause of Christ. Holy people must stop going into “church work” as their natural course of action and take up holy orders in farming, industry, law, education, banking, and journalism with the same zeal previously given to evangelism or to pastoral and missionary work.”
~ Dallas Willard, author of The Spirit of the Disciplines
“There is a distinction between church work and the work of the church. Church work is what you do for the organized institution of the church. The work of the church is what is done between Sundays when the church is scattered all over the metropolitan area where it is located – in homes, schools, offices, on construction jobs, in market places.”
~ Dick Halverson, author of How I Changed My Thinking About the Church
“God has begun an evangelism movement in the workplace that has the potential to transform our society as we know it.”
~ Franklin Graham
“Indeed, as with first-century Christianity, it all begins in the marketplace, where the disciples of Jesus daily rub shoulders with the lost.”
~ Bill McCartney, founder of Promise Keepers
“The spiritual manifests itself in a life which knows no division into sacred and secular.”
~ Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest
“When you apply Biblical principles at work, you allow the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit to enter your company.”
~ Dr. Jim Harris, author of Our Unfair Advantage: Unleashing the Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Business
“If it won’t last in eternity, it’s not the bottom line.”
~Darren Shearer, founder of Theology of Business Institute, author of Marketing Like Jesus, and The Marketplace Christian