5 Ways God Accomplishes Goals (And How You Can Do Likewise)

Do you ever find yourself submitting to the tyranny of the urgent, unscheduled, and unimportant tasks in your business? For example, do you sometimes allow your e-mail inbox to be the primary dictator of your schedule for the day?
Not only did God create time, He has shown us the best ways to manage it and get the right things done.
As observed through the method in which God created the universe (Gen. 1-2), let’s explore five strategies to set and accomplish goals God’s way.
1: Define a clear vision for each new day or season.
God knew exactly what He wanted every part of His creation to look like. He planned it, saw it, and then created it.
Before the start of each new day and new season in the life of your business, be sure to define a vision of what you want your business to look like at the end of that day or season.
For example, what are your revenue goals? How many people do you want to serve?
As Zig Ziglar said, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”
2: Pursue the vision by assigning the necessary tasks to batches.
When God decided to create the universe, He didn’t rush to create everything all at once, nor did He procrastinate concerning the things that needed to get done. Instead, He assigned specific objectives to “batches” that would be accomplished on specific days:
- Day One: God created night and day.
- Day Two: God created the sky and sea.
- Day Three: God created land and vegetation.
- Day Four: God created the stars, sun, and moon.
- Day Five: God created sea creatures and birds.
- Day Six: God created animals and mankind.
In your schedule, consider assigning specific task themes (“batches”) to specific timeframes each week. Before each day begins, make sure that you know what batch you’ll be working on the following day… or when you return from your lunch break. Don’t let your email inbox determine what you need to do next.
For example, I batch 95% of my social-media-related tasks on Wednesdays. On Wednesdays, I focus on creating new social media content, scheduling new posts, and interacting with my community.
Don’t allow a lack of batching and scheduling to prevent you from seeing your vision materialize.
3: Build a team.
Most of the time, people who create things often proudly assume the task of naming their creations. Conversely, when God created the animals, He delegated the task of naming the animals to Adam (Gen. 2:20). God brought the animals to Adam (Gen. 2:19), and Adam named them. Certainly, God could have done a far better job of naming the animals, but He chose to empower someone else with this important responsibility. God did His part and provided an opportunity for someone else to contribute.
If God chose to share important responsibilities, so should we.
Is it finally time to hire that assistant?
4: Automate tasks.
When God created the universe, he also created and implemented processes to sustain His creation. He didn’t have to re-invent rain after every rainfall. He didn’t have to re-invent seeds each time one sprouted. His creation is sustainable.
What processes and tools do you need to implement in your business to make it more sustainable? Make sure “thriftiness” isn’t just an excuse for refusing to invest in the tools and processes that can help your business to become more sustainable and effective.
5: Work with excellence.
God doesn’t make junk or defects, and He doesn’t provide sloppy service. After God finished His work in the Garden of Eden, the Bible says, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Gen. 1:31).
I encourage you to evaluate the quality of the products and/or services you have provided over the past year. Were any areas less than “very good”? If we’ll invite their feedback, our customers, co-workers, and other constituents will let us know.
More importantly, ask God to provide the feedback you need concerning the quality of your products and services. Allow Him to set your quality standards.
Accomplish more of the right things this year by applying the ways of God in your business.